We had a plan to completely overhaul this stairway in our Meet Me in the Middle project. The stairs had other plans…

We introduced you to our Meet Me in the Middle project last month, and construction is well underway!

Among the various renovation projects taking place, a significant overhaul of the dated stairwell was on the agenda. The original cherry wood stairs, with their intricate details and overwhelming visual impact (we’re not sure we’ve ever seen a stairwell with roller-coaster handrails before), were in dire need of a modern and sleek facelift to align with the refined aesthetic of the overall renovation.

The initial vision for the stairwell renovation aimed to introduce a harmonious blend of modernity and sophistication. The plan involved replacing the treads and risers with the same white oak flooring we’ll be using throughout the home, updating the spindles to a plain black and straight design, and opting for a more contemporary handrail profile to eliminate the jarring contrasts and chaotic visual elements of the existing stairwell. The glass block window that spans the four stories of the home further contributed to the visual overwhelm of the stairwell, so we planned to frost the glass in a cost-saving measure instead of replacing it outright. However, as with any renovation project, unexpected challenges arose that prompted reevaluating the original plan.

The original vision for the stairway in our Meet me in the Middle project.


Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that the stairs were intricately integrated into the home's structural framework, making a complete replacement costly and impractical. These mill-built stairs necessitated a pivot in the renovation approach, leading to a revised strategy: keeping the original treads and spindle locations and figuring out a way to cohesively integrate the red-toned cherry wood into the rest of the home’s soon-to-be beautiful white oak flooring. We spent some time working through a few different options for how the stairs could be finished, as shown below.

We’re sourcing new handrails in cherry wood to match the existing treads, and then both the handrail and treads will receive an ebony stain, ensuring a cohesive finish. We’re compromising on the spindles, keeping them in their original locations but replacing them for a modern, uniform look. The glass block windows will also be replaced outright, as there were no significant cost-savings in frosting the glass vs. replacing them. Instead, a sleek pane of glass with minimal horizontal frames will flood the space with natural light. Additionally, introducing a stylish stair runner made of 100% wool broadloom carpet softened the aesthetic contrast and addressed safety concerns by providing a comfortable and secure footing on the stairs.

As the stairwell renovation begins, the transformation from a dated and visually complex space to a sleek and contemporary focal point will be remarkable. With a keen eye for design, a pragmatic approach to challenges, and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, the stairwell will stand as a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful renovation.

Stay tuned for more updates on our whole-home renovation journey in our Meet Me in the Middle project. This dream home is taking shape, one carefully planned step at a time.

Devon Grace Interiors

Devon Grace Interiors is a full service Interior Design firm located in Chicago specializing in luxury residential designs and commercial spaces for businesses. We prioritize the expression of the individual client to ensure that their space best represents their personality or company mission.